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}); }); // 관련 함수들 -------------------------------------------------- /* // GNB Full Action function gnbFullAction() { $(".gnb-full-main").hover(function() { //마우스를 topnav에 오버시 $(this).parent().find(".gnb-full-sub").slideDown('normal').show(); //subnav가 내려옴. $(this).parent().hover(function() { }, function(){ $(this).parent().find(".gnb-full-sub").slideUp('fast'); //subnav에서 마우스 벗어났을 시 원위치시킴 }); }); } */ // GNB Action function gnbAction(depth1_name, depth2_name){ var depth1 = $(depth1_name); // 탑 메뉴, 메인메뉴 var depth2 = $(depth2_name); // 서브메뉴 depth2.hide(); depth1.each(function(index) { $(this).hover(function(event) { depth2.eq(index).stop().slideDown(); }, function() { depth2.stop().slideUp(); }); }); } function gnbActionFull(depth1_name, depth2_name){ var depth1 = $(depth1_name); // 탑 메뉴, 메인메뉴 var depth2 = $(depth2_name); // 서브메뉴 depth2.hide(); depth1.each(function(index) { $(this).hover(function(event) { depth2.stop().slideDown(); }, function() { depth2.stop().slideUp(); }); }); } // GNB Scroll function gnbScroll(){ var nav = $("#global-header"); 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target = target.length ? target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) +']'); if (target.length) { $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: target.offset().top - magin_top }, 1000); return false; } } }); } // Update function update(){ alert("to be updated"); } //MoreToggle function moreToggle(moreClass) { var display_val = $("."+moreClass).css("display"); if(display_val == "none") { $("."+moreClass).css("display", "block"); } else { $("."+moreClass).css("display", "none"); } } // Height Auto function heightAuto(){ $('.HeightAuto').css('height' , $(window).height() ); $(window).resize(function() { $('.HeightAuto').css('height' , $(window).height() ); }); } // Side Bar Action function sideBarAction(){ var side_offset_top = 400; // Side bar의 시작 위치(top) var side_margin_top = 170; // Side bar의 최소 위치(top) var tmp_scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var apply_offset_top = side_offset_top; $('#side-bar').css("top", side_offset_top); $(window).scroll(function () { if (side_offset_top > $(window).scrollTop()) { apply_offset_top = side_offset_top - $(window).scrollTop(); $('#side-bar').css("top", apply_offset_top); } else { $('#side-bar').css("top", side_margin_top); } }); } function sideBarAction2(){ //by default, the static menu is hidden var showStaticMenuBar = false; //when scrolling... $(window).scroll(function () { //if the static menu is not yet visible... if (showStaticMenuBar == false) { //if I scroll more than 200px, I show it if ($(window).scrollTop() >= 120) { //showing the static menu $('#side-bar').addClass('fixed'); showStaticMenuBar = true; } } //if the static menu is already visible... else { if ($(window).scrollTop() < 20) { $('#side-bar').removeClass('fixed'); //I define it as hidden showStaticMenuBar = false; } } }); } // Dday function Dday(){ //지나온 날짜 계산 //var now = new Date(); //var then = new Date("march 4,2005"); //var gap = now.getTime() - then.getTime(); //gap = Math.floor(gap / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); //document.write("blog 시작한지 " + gap + "일"); //남은 날짜 계산 var now = new Date(); var then = new Date("April 23,2020"); // var gap = then.getTime() - now.getTime(); gap = Math.floor((gap / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) + 2); //document.getElementById('d-day').innerHTML = gap; $('#d-day').html(gap); } // OpenPopupLink function openPopupLink(){ try { $('.open-popup-link').magnificPopup({ type:'inline', midClick: true, fixedContentPos: true, mainClass: 'mfp-fade', overflowY: 'scroll' }); } catch(e) {} } //OpenWindow function openWindow(url,intWidth,intHeight) { window.open(url, "_blank", "width="+intWidth+",height="+intHeight+",resizable=1,scrollbars=1") ; } //LayerPopup function layerPopup(el){ try { var temp = $('#' + el); var bg = temp.prev().hasClass('bg'); //dimmed 레이어를 감지하기 위한 boolean 변수 if(bg){ $('.layer').fadeIn(); //'bg' 클래스가 존재하면, fadeIn 배경은 dimmed }else{ temp.fadeIn(); } // 화면의 중앙에 레이어를 띄움 if (temp.outerHeight() < $(document).height() ) temp.css('margin-top', '-'+temp.outerHeight()/2+'px'); else temp.css('top', '0px'); if (temp.outerWidth() < $(document).width() ) temp.css('margin-left', '-'+temp.outerWidth()/2+'px'); else temp.css('left', '0px'); temp.find('a.cbtn').click(function(e){ if(bg){ $('.layer').fadeOut(); //'bg' 클래스가 존재하면, fadeOut }else{ temp.fadeOut(); } e.preventDefault(); }); $('.layer .bg').click(function(e){ //배경 클릭 시, 레이어 fadeOut 이벤트핸들러 $('.layer').fadeOut(); e.preventDefault(); }); } catch(e) {} } //popup $(document).ready(function() { var id = '#dialog'; //Get the screen height and width var maskHeight = $(document).height(); var maskWidth = $(window).width(); //Set heigth and width to mask to fill up the whole screen $('#mask').css({'width':maskWidth,'height':maskHeight}); //transition effect $('#mask').fadeIn(500); $('#mask').fadeTo("slow",0.85); //Get the window height and width var winH = $(window).height(); var winW = $(window).width(); //Set the popup window to center $(id).css('top', winH/2-$(id).height()/2); $(id).css('left', winW/2-$(id).width()/2); //transition effect $(id).fadeIn(2000); //if close button is clicked $('.window .close').click(function (e) { //Cancel the link behavior e.preventDefault(); 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