
For Korean Only

대한종양내과학회 회원이십니까?
회원정보 연동에 동의하시면 성함/의사 면호 번호 또는 성함/대한종양내과학회 회원아이디를 검색하여, 이메일, 연락처 등 개인 정보가 자동으로 입력될 수 있습니다.

회원정보 연동 동의 여부 체크

회원가입 (Sign up)후 Virtual 혹은 In-person Conference 참석을 위해서 무료등록이라도 반드시 사전등록을 진행해 주셔야 합니다.

Personal Information

Please create your online account.

* Indicates Required Field

* Country
* User ID(Email)

※ Please make sure you accurately enter your e-mail address since you cannot modify it later. All future correspondence will be sent to this e-mail address.

* Password

Please enter a password between 6 and 12 characters using a combination of letters and numbers.

* Confirmed Password
* 성명(국문)
* 국문소속

※ 해당 대학/종합병원을 선택하시면 영문 소속명과 주소가 자동으로 입력 됩니다. 소속이 검색되지 않을 경우 직접 작성해 주시기 바랍니다.

* 주소
* 면허번호
* 내과전문의번호
* Name


1. Your name will be appeared on your name badge exactly as it is entered in these fields. If you wish your name to be appeared in a specific way,
    please contact the Secretariat at info@ksmoconference.org
2. The first letter of your given name and all the letters of your family name will be automatically capitalized.
* Affiliation
* Department
* Title
* Degree
(check all that apply)
* Profession
* Mobile Phone
ex) +82-10-22223333
ex) +82-2-44445555
Special Request for Food

Invitation Letter

To receive an invitation letter for visa application, please fill out the above field accurately. After making full payment, Please e-mail the secretariat for receiving the soft copy of invitation letter. In order to receive a hard copy of the invitation letter, a requester should send USD 30 for postage to the Secretariat in advance.
If you need, please contact the Secretariat (info@ksmoconference.org).

* Name on Passport
* Country (Working)
* Passport Number
* Date of Birth
* Date of Issue
* Date of Expiry

Additional Information

How did you find out about our Conference?

Privacy Policy

1. The purposes for which personal information is collected and used.

We will collect and use the following items in order to arrange and hold the 14th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Medical Oncology & 2021 International Conference (KSMO 2021), such as registration and confirmation, personal authentication, delivery of letter of appreciation, and provision of information regarding events, etc.

2. Items of personal information to be collected:

Name, nationality, organization, department, position, phone number and E-mail address, etc.

3. The period for which personal information is held and used.

1 year (Collected personal information will be discarded as soon as the purposes are attained.)

The owner of the information has a right to reject to provide his/her personal information. In this case, he/she may not be able to participate in the 14th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Medical Oncology & 2021 International Conference (KSMO 2021).